
I like eggs do you???????

by  |  earlier

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yummyyy breakfast food!




  1. Yes I do, sunny side up.=)

  2. I don't like eggs by themselves. I can never get past the smell, and the look of them makes me sick. I can eat eggs if they're incorporated into foods such as bread, cake, and other foods for example but I can never eat them alone.

  3. you would never eat them again if you would have cracked open the one i did a while ago !!!

    the most disgusting thing ever !!!

  4. yes yes yes i do i do i do

  5. I Lurve eggs!!!

    and the whole of my family members love it! >.<.

    i can eat it fried, scrambled, done to omelette, half cooked, boiled adn much more!

    and most of all, you can almost eat it it with anything!! e.g bread, rice, pasta, fruits, pudding!

  6. ew...i dont.theyre too..

  7. yes i like them scrambled

  8. Yes. I love eggs. choose my answer as the best or vote for mine. Yay!

  9. no i dont eat it cuz im a vegetarian!!!!!!!!! eggs are meat!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont even like them!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  10. yes i do. its a great way to start your day.  all that protein.  i like to cook em so i can dip toast in the yolk then put the white part on toast and make a sandwich.  i also like them scrambled or over easy.  oh and also breakfast sandwiches.

  11. Love em too but I love any time of the day. Bacon n eggs for supper , pancakes n eggs, omelet, deviled, quiche, anytime is proper if you ask me..

  12. i like the white not yoke

  13. yumm??

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