
I like girls.........?

by  |  earlier

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Is it wrong to have dreams and feelings for other women? I can't seem to control it. I just want to try it out.....what should I do and how do I approach another women? How do I know if she is also into Women?




  1. Makes sense to me.  Guys are ugly, gross, and disgusting.  I understand why a guy wants to be with a woman: because they are beautiful.  I understand why a woman wants to be with a woman: because they are beautiful.  I don't understand what a guy sees in another man (thats just disgusting) and I don't see what women see in us men: we're all just disgusting.  If its just a dream there's probably some rational explanation for it that has something to do with your current situation; you just have to analyze it from all perspectives and view the dreams in totally different ways.  The people or objects in a dream are usually symbols for something in your life.

  2. nothing wrong with it i am sure that most woman have wondered what it would be like to be with the same s*x it could just be a phraise you are going through just go up and talk to a woman and you will know if she is interested!

  3. if you think you like girls then you should experiment, theres nothing abnormal or wrong with being g*y. it's also normal to be attracted to girls but not necesarily want a relationship with them- seeing a girl and thinking she's attactive doesn't mean youre g*y. if youre still in highschool you can look out for clubs like gsa(g*y straight alliance) to meet other girls, or if your older,go to g*y bars.

  4. It's not wrong at all. Give it a try and see if it's for you. I'm not sure how to go about meeting anyone, but good luck!

  5. just try and ask

  6. lulz nasty
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