
I like her, but im not sure if she likes me back?

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So ive been after this girl for 2 months now. Weve hung out a lot and i really started to like her. We flirt and talk a lot, and when we talk we are both always smiling ear to ear and maintaining perfect eye contact. I tested her personal bubble by putting my arm around her when i was walking with her and she didnt say anything about it or stop me. She flirts back all the time but idk if she really likes me or not, ive never seen her flirt with any other guys

A few days ago i asked her to eat dinner with me on monday to celebrate my birthday and she said yes, but 2 nights ago (friday night) her friend (my best friend's gf) told me that she said i was 'coming on to strong'.

I decided to just not talk to her all weekend (unless she talks to me first) and see if she asks me on monday about dinner

Does that sound like the right thing to do? Is this a good way to find out if she really likes me or not?




  1. head games

  2. if she let you put your arm around her, she likes you :D

  3. I think you sound like  lovely guy and if you treat her the way your saying you do i dont see why she shouldnt like you.

    Your doing everything perfect.

    I think you should just tell her. Go with it in a casual matter and just tell her how you feel.

    Dont take in what everyone else says about the situation. Do what you want to do.

    If this girl turns out that she doesnt like you its her loss. I hope i helped. x

    Goodluck x

  4. tell her you cant go then when you see her again be nice and smile

    and say sorry I couldnt go say i was really busy maybe another day!

    this keeps her intrested wondering "what was so important that

    you couldnt go?"

    she'll come around trust me!

  5. I think in this situation the best thing to do is to ask her how she feels about you. Tell her that you like her and see if she wants to take it slowly.  

  6. no

  7. I think you are going in the right direction for a lasting relationship. It is up to what and how you handle your relationship. The first and very important step is the honesty factor. Be honest and tell her you feel comfortable around her. You would like to take it to another level. You enjoy being around her. You like to do certain activities and you will like it if she would be a part of some of your outings. In this manner, you have done two things. You have let her know that you like certain activities. Also, you are indirectly finding out what she likes.You are not being too pushy.You are gradually easing into the relationship that you desire. I think you will be a part of her life before you know it.

  8. she definitely likes you

  9. WAIT UR A GUY!!!!!!!!!!

  10. AHHHHHHHH! *jumps up and down in happiness, falls over in hysterics* SHE LIKES U!!!! CONGRATS!

    sorry, that was totally over-the-top up there. umm, well, it definitely sounds like she likes you. Just talk to her..tlel her you like her. at this point, rejection should be your last worry, because i have NO DOUBTS that she will say yes. cuz she likes u too!

    whoo! u go, boy!!

    have fun at dinner ;]

    and u are DEFINITELY doing the right thing. i wish ALL guys were this un-complicated when it comes to their feelings..our world would be so much less confusing!

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