
I like him, but I don't like him. Help please :)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in grade 11. I just started talking to him last year and I kind of liked him. People (friends of his) said he liked me. The only think is is that my friends don't like him and I also find him kind of annoying. haha. But for some reason I think about him alot. I didn't see him all summer and today (first day of school) I found out our lockers are pretty much beside eachother. I try not to think about him because I feel he wouldn't be good for me but when I see him I can't stop thinking about him. I haven't felt like this before. What should I do?




  1. ....if ur friends don't like him......then they just have to deal with it.....and if they cant then their not real friends.....sooo if u like him and u think he likes u then give it a shot....if it doesn't work out then...whatever.....but remember boys are never worth ur tears

  2. Usually that "like but don't like" feeling means that you are developing strong feelings for that person you don't want to admit to. Generally it's a sign of quite a powerful attraction.

    I had something like that for someone ... we're married now, haha!!!!

  3. Talk to him.

  4. I'd just keep my eyes on him & see how you feel about him as time goes by.  And, do all of you still feel he's annoying now, or was that the feelings you felt last yr.  People do change, & if that was last yrs. feelings, I wouldn't judge him on how he was, rather how he is now.  Before you go delving into something you're not sure of, I'd just observe him for awhile & feel at some point you'll know if you really do like him or if you don't.  Don't rush into something you might end up regretting.  Time w/tell you if it's a go or a no.  Since your lockers are close together, you'll be seeing him fairly often which also w/be an advantage to you.  Just wait to see how you feel as there's no rush to do anything at the moment...Best to you...:)

  5. you definately like him!

    i think you should tell him how you feel and ask him out!

    i know its kinda scary to ask a guy out but be confident!

    good luck:]

  6. I voted in favor of this question, before I voted against it.

  7. just become friends with him and hangout

  8. Let's take your friends out of the equation. On some level, you like him. On some level, you find him annoying. And your heart? It's thinking about him.

    You know what? It can't hurt to try. You two should attempt dating. Your mind might clear things up for you.  

  9. Hang out with him. If he's really irritating, it won't take you long to figure it out, and then you'll be sure you're making the right decision. He may just be annoying because he likes you and he's trying too hard. Unless you think he wouldn't be good for you because there's something really not good about him that you haven't mentioned, I'd give him a chance.

  10. Life is too short to wake up each day with regrets. So love the people who treat you right,and forget about the ones who don't.  And believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance,grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.

  11. friends can't get between love

  12. try hanging out with him more,

    and see whether you actually like him,

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