
I like him and he likes me but idk if i want to date :( :? :/?

by  |  earlier

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i really like this guy and i found out he likes me back!!!! but heres the problem i told myself i wouldnt let myself date because of things that happened over the summer and in the past (long story). but this guy is really nice. he doesnt smoke, curse, drink, do hook ups, or any of that stuff. and hez been (as a friend) really good for me because hez been helping me get better (i smoke, curse, drink but rarly, have had several hook ups, ect.) he cares for me and looks out for me and is so easy to talk to.

but 1. i told myself i wouldnt date 2. if we did date n then broke up i really dont want to loose the relationship i have built with him. he has become my best friend.

so what should i do???

go for it?

give it some more time?

just remain friends?




  1. i would definitely give it time. i've had the same issue before. you have to flat out (but nicely) tell him you really don't want to ruin your friendship. you need to discuss your feelings about the situation with each other. its important he knows exactly how you feel. and if you really don't want to date him, its just best you tell him your honest answer and reasoning.

    Good luck!

  2. Tell him that you're not really ready to start dating him right now, but that you want to be with him, and hang with him

  3. are you in a relationship now? maybe or what because if you are in a relationship now then say in additional details or tell me so i know then i know the perfect answer for you

  4. To help with you promising yourself not to date again, GO FOR IT. If this guy is helping you overcome things that you don't want in a guy then he could be the perfect boyfriend or a great one. Remember, no guy is the same, there are similar ones, but no guy is exactly the same. There are millions of guys who aren't into hook ups and smoking and drinking and cursing. Try it.First of all, I suggest checking your resources. If this guy didn't confront you about liking you himself than it might not be a hundred percent true, and he may not want to date you. And then it could ruin your friendship if he doesnt want to go out and you ask him to because it would be awkward. So first check your sources. Then if he does actually truthfully like you give it a week or a few days to see if you still really like him. It could just be a phase and then you don't want to risk your friendship over someone you don't fully like. If you still like him ask him out. if a break up does happen just tell him you still want to be friends, most likely he will want to too. Then just make sure that you don't change yourself so that you guys stick together, it could make you miserable, and a happy relationship is a good one. Just  be yourself and if it doesnt work out just know that at least you tried it and your not still sitting there wondering, are we right for each other? I hope for all the best, hope i helped.

  5. it depends how much you  really like him if ur scared that when its over ull no longer be freinds i understand that it happened to me in my previous relationship

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