
I like my best friend's brother?

by  |  earlier

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So, there's the deal. I like my best friends brother. :o, now I've known my best friend since I was little, but her brother is just so great. :] And it's just a crush, I don't think it will escalate into anything more, but I was wondering, is it wrong that I do like him?




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a friends brother. I mean seriously, one of my friends had 2 super hot brothers and I would have happily dated either of them.

    Its pretty easy to become attracted to a friends sibling, especially if you spend a lot of time at their house. Plus, there are probably a lot of the same qualities in your friends brother that you like in her.

    Follow you're heart and you're gut. And if it does escalate to more just make sure that you don't let you relationship with your best gal. After all she will always be there even when he may not.

  2. I've been there, done that, one thing you CAN'T do is let the biggest gossip in the school know.. especially if her brother actually GOES to the school. Unfortunately I've already been there done that too!

  3. nah no one can break true love if he is your type then try it out  

  4. it depends on what your friend is like.

    for example i had a huge thing for my best friends brother and we used to joke about it but i dont think she would like me liking him because it would be awkward for her but then again if she cared about both of you itd be ok.

    i know most friends are afraid your going to ditch them for their brother.

    but if its just a crush let it pass or mention it if you feel confident about it.

  5. Definitely nothing wrong.

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