
I like my best guy friend and i do not know what to do?

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I knew him for and long time. I do not what are friendship to go to wast.

I really like him and i don't know if he feels the same why about me as i feel for him. what should i do?




  1. step out of your comfort zone and go from there hun

  2. the only thing to do if you want to be with him is tell him sweety

  3. Talk to him, that's the only way

  4. one are you a guy or girl either way just tell him or grab their hand  

  5. This one's tough but i think the best thing for you to do is to talk to him about how you feel and see what he has to say about it. But at the same time this could freak him out, but if you really like him and you think it's worth the risk, talk to him.

  6. Let me tell you frm my experience

    me and my ex were best friends i knew him

    since 5th grade and i always knew he loved me

    but i didnt like him that way. years passed and

    i started realizing my feelings for him and when

    i told him how i felt i was too late and this happened like

    3 mnths ago okay!! after breaking up 3 times. my so called best homies forever betrayed me..and im still mad at him but i care for him on the down low and i want to save him from the trash he's with.

    Okay so the point im trying to tell you is

    look for signals,or stuff that you might think that means he likes you.

    if he doesnt give you any of that then im srry Hon yu's just gonna have to look the other way.or you can wait until the right time comes but for now just look for those signs of more than just friends.

  7. Go for it!

  8. just ask it shouldn't ruin your friend ship but it might make it awkrard for a week

  9. It's kinda nice when the girl does the asking out.  Now you'll know how hard it is for a guy to ask a girl out!   It only gets easier with experience.   Go for it, don't regret it.  You WON'T regret it.  In the long run, you'll know that you made the right decision in letting him know.   And if he stops being your friend, then he's the one missing out, not you.  

  10. Kiss him... Men don't have "Platonic relationships" unless we are waiting for her to come around, or she is kinda super fat and ugly but cool.

  11. tell another good friend to ask him if he feels the same about you

  12. well if he's as good a friend as you say he is then maybe you should talk about it with him. like bring it on casually though like asking him about girls in his life maybe? and maybe just try to get close to him and see how he reacts. if not then just go back to friends i highly doubt he'd mess that up for that.

  13. uhhh! That's hurt! I think you should build again you're friendship

  14. just talk to him... and tell him how you feel.

  15. Look, I am a guy, I have had a lot of female friends.  The ones that I chose to spend most of my time with, well, I always kind of had a thing for them, at least at some level.  I bet it is the same way with this guy.  If you want something, he probably does too.  The problem is, if you two date and then break up, you may lose everything.  That is why I never asked any of the girls I liked out.  Now though, they are all out of my life anyway as we grew apart and I wish I had asked them out, who knows, maybe we would still be together or at least we would have had fun for a while.

    Also, if you ask and he isn't interested, it shouldn't hurt anything.  I was asked out once, turned her down (just couldn't see her that way) and we were still friends to this day.

  16. you can get some great advice here: best of luck!

  17. talk to him, ask him out, kiss him ..... it wont hurt friendship

  18. From personal experaince just tell him and hope its not awkward.

    God Bless

    hope it works out

  19. Stop making up excuses such as "oh, but it might ruin our friendship!!" and just ask him out, will you. If it's a true friendship, it won't be ruined.

    Better than missing your opportunity and regretting it for the rest of your life, wondering what could have been.

  20. ask him to hang out with you at the movies :D

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