
I like my ex boyfriend:( and i don't know how to confront him!?

by Guest10791  |  earlier

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Okay so i broke up with this kid half a year ago actually we both decided too b-cuz when we were goign out (he lives on a farm) all he did was play video games and always had to work on the farm for like ever.

Now hes amtured a lot and i really like him.. I don't want to like hhim b-cuz i like being friends again, and after i dated this screwball f*g, for like 1 month i think he might've made my ex not like me ne more cuz when we broke up we both still like each other!

Did i mess this up or should i take a chance and ask him!?




  1. Old Mcdonalds Heaven lol

  2. ohmygosh! same problem here cept well he dnt live on a farm and like he isnt constantly playing video games but i still like him sooooooo i say take a chance and ask him.

  3. Wow you two sound like a match made in Old Mcdonalds Heaven

  4. Take a chance if he doesnt want 2 just b like i wuz just kidding we both kno thts not gonna work

  5. First I would sit and consider how much you think about this ex and if you like him or the person he used to be. Then if you weigh the answers in his favor of who he is now and that you think the wonder won't simply go away after time has passed, I would talk to him. Be open to both negative and possitive or you may get hurt. You may want to consider it this way, "in 1 year will I still regret if I don't persue this?"

    Good luck!  

  6. take a chance. but tell him to chill with the games.Best of luck!

  7. Send him a letter and tell him how much you like him.

  8. There's no reason why you can't be friends with your ex.  Let's face it, though, he couldn't have matured THAT much in six months.  

    Try just being friends.  If it's meant to be, something will grow from that.  But try real hard to just be friends for a while, and don't be so anxious to put a label on the relationship, like "boyfriend/girlfriend", etc.

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