
I like my friend who just confessed she was am i, but she likes someone else. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I've thought i was a L*****n for a while, because i'm never attracted to guys. Well, I started being attracted to my friend Laura, and i didn't know what to do about it, but then she confessed to me that she's bi!! I almost told her that I was a L*****n and that i liked her, but then she said she likes our friend Briget. I don't know what to do now :(. She likes someone else, should I say i like her? I don't want to ruin our friendship and I don't even know if I'm ready to come out yet. I'm not 100% sure I AM g*y, I just think so and i am attracted to her. I don't know what to do :( help me. NO ONE knows i'm a L*****n yet, NO ONE, and i wouldn't want her to blab it to everyone. She's nto like that really, i just don't want her to tell her close friends, because i'm close to them too so...





  1. It is really your decision, but if I was in your shoes I would not tell her right now. I would just remain friends with her and wait until that relationship ends(if it ever starts). You can tell her your bi....especially if you are not sure that you are a L*****n. That would probably make her feel at ease because she is too! At least she will know that you like females and if her and bridget don't work out then you never know what can happen. Good things take time...don't rush it. Just get close to her over the next little while and you never know she can fall for you! Good luck :)

  2. tell her how you feel

    If u dnt ur gunna regret it

  3. Well she trusted you enough to come out to you.  So why do you think she would go talk to your guys friends about you being a L*****n?  Has she already come out to your group of friends or just you, if she just came out to you then I would think you two have a certain amount of trust level to tell eachother things that you wouldn't tell anyone else.

  4. I was in the same way, i just told the girl i liked her and she was cool with it, and now we're still fiends and still like sisters lol just be yourself and say how u feel and she'll understand

  5. Tell her how you feel if its supposed to be

    things well fall in to place

  6. Well... just tell her!! She's bi so she'll understand!! I don't think she'll be freaked out. She trusts you enough to tell you so I think you should too.

    Just tell her, don't wait around and then you have to regret it. Like me, sitting here answering questions and wonder where would we be now if I told her how I feel? So go a head, tell her before she falls for someone else!!

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