
I like penguins...?

by  |  earlier

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i don't want them to die due to Global Warming :[ That makes me sad.




  1. i like penguins too

    but the government wants oil and doesnt care about it

  2. Yeah they wont the Earth is just a cycle. The only thing that we are doing is Making Al Gore rich. We aren't saving the earth. Penguins will delcline a little in number as the earth tempurate rasies and as it cools again from its cycle penguins will increase in number. It is that simple.

  3. Eat killer whales and leopard seals those are their worst enemies. Then you can be happy. I like penguins too, they're delicious.

  4. you  chose a  great  animal  to  like /admire

    you  should  research  the  life  story  of  the  emporer  penguin...........they  are  some  cookies

  5. I like penguins also.

    I also do not want them to die due to Global Warming, or anything.

  6. Me also, maybe they taste good.  If the world is going to be 100* on a daily basis, could they be the new chicken ?

  7. me too

    and its all because a STUPID PRESIDENT wont help to make global warming end

    cough cough BUSH

  8. interesting


  10. penguins arent the only ones who are going to die if global warming keeps up

  11. I think it's really sad too.  I am also a fan of penguins.  I recently watched An Inconvenient Truth and there will be a whole lot more trouble than just the penguins if the world doesn't smarten up.  That's definitely sad...

  12. me too...there my favorite animal :)

  13. oh and the question?


  15. penguins are awesome.

    we gottt to save them ):

    but we cant do anything cause the rest of the world dont give a damnn.

  16. There are more important issues than the loss of one species.

    Most probable consequences of global warming at a rate of 2°C per century include:

    - 75-250 million people across Africa could face water shortages by 2020.

    - Crop yields could increase by 20% in East and Southeast Asia, but decrease by up to 30% in Central and South Asia.

    - Agriculture fed by rainfall could drop by 50% in some African countries by 2020

    - 20-30% of all plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction if temperatures rise between 1.5 and 2.5C.

    - Glaciers and snow cover expected to decline, reducing water availability in countries supplied by melt water.

  17. don't worry,global warming will not affect them, however they are food for sharks and other predators.I wonder if they taste good....

  18. I like polar bears! they are well cute. Even tho they would probably eat me given half the chance.

  19. ya its right many good animals are dying from global warming . its a serious issue and we should do our best to prevent global warming and should ask our near and dear ones to do thesame as much as possible so that all organisms can live thier life...

  20. save the world then kid. jeez

  21. There's no such thing as global warming!! I live in Michigan and it is below zero today. Where's global warming at now?

  22. i like them too

  23. the awnser to ur question issss oh wait
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