
I like poached eggs but where I live I cannot buy Teflon egg rings to break the egg into.?

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Can anyone give me a tip on how I can prevent the egg from breaking up when i simmer it.




  1. The easiest thing to do is break the egg into a small bowl first.  Then as your putting the egg in the pan put the bowl as close to the water as possible, you can even put the side of the bowl in the water.  Vinegar helps to keep the egg from spreading all through out the pan.  One cap full will do ya :D The vinegar will not flavor the egg at all :D

    Good Luck  

  2. Where on earth do you live - no egg poachers. Can't you get one by mail order? And we managed to poach eggs long before Teflon was invented you know - smear a little butter on the poacher.

  3. use your hand as a mould

  4. In a shallow saucepan get about 4" water boiling.  Break your egg in small cup or bowl.  Use a spoon and swirl the water in the pan.  Pour the egg in while the water is swirling and let the egg cook just until the white is opaque.  Remove it from the water with a slotted spoon.

  5. 1 - Use fresh eggs

    2 - use a deep pot of water just off boil, add a splash of vinegar

    3 - Here is a link to an online class all about poaching eggs:

  6. Just put 1/2" of water in your frying pan and bring it to the simmer stage.  Break your eggs into the water.  Put your toast on.  When the toast is ready, so are the eggs.  Splash water over yolk while cooking and I guarantee they will be perfect every time.

  7. Hi, you need a deep pot, in the pot add a dash of white wine vinegar, what this does is acts as a coagulant for the egg and firms up the egg white, and also a little salt.

    The reason for using the deep pot is because as the egg sinks through the water the yolk is enveloped in egg white and then once it is near ready the egg will start to surface. The shape of the egg should look almost like a tear drop.

    The water temperature should be at a slow rolling boil.

  8. You can actually make poached eggs without the poacher pan thing.

    I've seen someone do it before you just need certain ingredients like vinegar and so on.

    Found a link:

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