
I like psychology and education...what are my carer options?

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my major is "children's studies"

it's a combination of Education and Psychology classes.....i like to teach kids which i do at a program on weekends...but i also love psychology...I'm getting Bachelors BACHELOR'S ENOUGH FOR TEACHING or do i NEED MASTERS? also what else are some good options to continue with my path

I also like psychology but dunno if i want to become a psychologist..maybe teach psychology..?

I appreciate any ideas...thank you:-)




  1. Bachelors is certainly enough for teaching at a local high school.

    Masters if you want to teach at a good one.

    Other good options, get a Masters in Education and become a principal or something like that.

    Get a MBA and go into international education consulting, it is a lucrative field where you tell people in other parts of the world how to run their schools.  

  2. Teaching requirements vary by state. You should look that up online- and see if your college offers teacher certification classes. With a bachelor's degree, you could probably substitute teach while you worked on teacher certification. You could probably work as a day care teacher right away.

    If your bachelor's degree had many psychology classes, and you want to continue with school, consider a "school psychologist" program. School psychologists often assess children with learning disabilities, or make recommondations to help children with their education.

    Also look into school social worker.

  3. To become a teacher, the requirement is a BA in Education. You can go on and complete your Masters if you wish, but again, it's not required. You can certainly teach Psychology, but you'll need to have a major in that to teach it in school (especially high school psychology) If you do decide to continue your post-graduate studies, you can teach at university level or be a very well-knowledgeable high school psychology teacher. Either way, it incorporates teaching and psychology, the two areas you have a passion for. Good luck!

  4. work at a school as a child psychologist

  5. You can start off with a bachelors in education to teach.  If you major in something other than a B.Ed then you will not be eligible to teach elementary level and to teach secondary level you will need to go back to school to get a teaching certificate (also known as a 5th year diploma).  

    There is not much in the way to combine both degrees.  Administrative layer of school systems do not teach, although many have come from a teaching background. The administrative layer will definitely require a masters degree level of education -- to be a high school counselor, for instance, requires a masters in education in educational psychology.  Teaching high school psychology is limited and you'll need to be certified to teach other "social studies" type of classes as well.  If you want to be a psychologist of any type you will need a doctoral level of education to be eligible.

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