
I like school and i get good grades does that mean im a nerd?

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I like school and i get good grades does that mean im a nerd?




  1. No nerds are based more off of anti-socialness and looks. Basically the outkast, and there are plenty of students like you so you probably fit in.

  2. not at all, keep up the good work, when you graduate you will have the last laugh

  3. nope far from it... do you think reality isn't real and star wars is real?

    jks star wars was cool... really do you?

  4. NO

    some other people may say u r a nerd but nerds are just some way of people saying that they have problems themselves

    I personally like school to

    and get good grades 2

    so don't stress over it

    be yourself

    and do wat u want

    ignore people who call u a nerd their just ashamed of themselves


  5. Not at all!  Besides, just imagine what it'll be like when you go to your high school reunion and you're a billionaire and you'll get to laugh at all the preps and popular people who are scraping to make a living.

  6. It depends.  If you're a pedant and like to make sure that you have the most use less information and you like to shove that useless c**p in other people's faces than I would label you as a nerd.  If you get good grades because your in school and that's what your supposed to do than I would use other adjectives to describe you, such as: determined, hard working, and motivated.

    That's about all I have to say.

    Fare thee well.

  7. means you've been studying and putting your best foot forward to get a good education.

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