
I like someone i my school. I want to tell him but i m scared that heal loaf at me. help

by  |  earlier

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What do i do wen i like someone?




  1. Try and find out if they like you back.

  2. I'm laughing at your creative spelling but I bet that doesn't stop you. So why would a guy who may or may not "loaf" at you stop you. Go talk to him.

  3. It's best not to tell someone straight out that you like them until you get to know them first. you need to be friendly and smile and say hi and get to know him first.

  4. You should admire him from a distance and concentrate more on your studies. It looks like you need to work on spelling. You will have plenty of time to have a boyfriend but your opportunity to study is now.  

  5. never speak to him like that.......pointer....ummm get like umm an i dunno like a bff jil or sumthing ...or grow some balls cuz guys get tried of asking ......loaf.............:}..funny

  6. This article offers some tips:

    How to Get a Guy to Notice You at School

    Hope it helps! Good Luck!

  7. approach slowly so as not to appear pushy but be available  

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