
I like this boy In my chemistry class && idk how to start talking to him HELPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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in my chemistry class there is this really cute kid i just started school, and i DONT know him soo i dont know how to start a convo with friends say he look at me alot but i dont know... i think he cute and i really wanna get to know him so yeah i need advice PLZ!!!! =]




  1. well i would prolly just look at him e like can u help me with this probelm then once you get to know him it will all start once you start the irst convo.!!!

    hope i helped

    best answser..=]



  2. Well what you could do is observe him closely, try to see what he likes to read and what his hobbies are. But most importantly never lie to him about something, lets say he likes a type of music you dislike, but you lie and say you do like it. This will lead to a very bad problem and you will loose a friendship o even a relationship. But try to observe what he likes and try to starts a conversation with him. I know this is hard, but you have to start somewhere. I hope I helped.

  3. 1: Wait for recess.

    2: Catch a football.

    3: Chuck it at his head.

    Worked for me!

  4. well ask for a pen or somthing or just go up to him...."acidently" bump into him in the hall!!

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