
I like this boy but he's my best mates ex what shall i do and he knows that i like him Please help?

by  |  earlier

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I've known him for 8 months now and i'm worried it my ruin my friendship with my mate anyone got any advice !!!!!!11




  1. Words fail me.

  2. dont go there! i know i wouldnt be  very happy if my mates got with me ex!! x

  3. I have seen these sorts of situations before and they can turn quite nasty, be careful.

    I would suggest that you first feel the ground out, so to speak; talk to your friend first; be brave, see how she feels and let her know how you feel. Then take it from there.

    At the end of the day, it really is your decision.

  4. check with your mate first if they are not bothered then go ahead

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