
I like this girl a lot and i think she like me?

by  |  earlier

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ok i like ths girl and i have a song that i really like and it remimdes me of her and i just cant stop lissening to it what do i do?




  1. jus go and spek to her. say nice things to her and u might be in for a chance. she mite really like u.


  2. Sing it to her, or atleast send there the lyrics and add a note..."this song reminds me of you".

    If she likes you back she'll be so happy and maybe it will be the start of something special.

  3. TALK TO HER  coming from a girl she probly dose like you most girls want the guy to make the first move just start talk to her and get  closer to he then when u think the time is right ask her who she likes if she  dosent say anything say cause i like you it should work

    hope this helps

  4. hey just go to the girl and tel her how u fil,keeping it inside wont help but make things worse..who nos u two might hit things off rite there she might even be waiting for u to come so go and find out..gud luck

  5. start talking to her,and flirt shes probably feeling the same way

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