
I like this girl and im not sure if she likes me?

by Guest34501  |  earlier

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So ive been after this girl for 2 months now. Weve hung out a lot and i really started to like her. We flirt and talk a lot, and when we talk we are both always smiling ear to ear and maintaining perfect eye contact. She flirts back all the time but idk if she really likes me or not

A few days ago i asked her to eat dinner with me on monday to celebrate my birthday and she said yes, but last night her friend told me that she told her i was 'coming on to strong'.

I decided to just not talk to her all weekend (unless she talks to me first) and see if she asks me on monday about dinner

Does that sound like the right thing to do? Is this a good way to find out if she really likes me or not?




  1. Yeah just give her some space. She'll probably come around.

  2. First off, her friend could have been lying. Ask the girl you like face to face if you said that, and ask if she truly feels that way. If she does, tone it down a little and wait and see what she does. It could be a simple thing, really. I bet she does like you, and if you give her time, she'll show you that she does. And yes, that is a good thing to do. If she asks, then she probably is looking forward to it or is curious. Don't worry, if it was meant to be, just give her a little space. If she talks to you, however, talk back. If you don't, she could get really upset and think that you don't like her. I hope that helps.

  3. truthfully, some girls flirt with all guys. it's almost like an instinct.

    she seems like she likes you, to me. and if she doesn't, she's definitely interested in you.

    ignoring her is the wrong thing to do. just talk to her and tell her what you heard from her friend. ask her if it's true, and talk it through with her.

    there may be some truth to the issue, but there may be something about it that you don't know.

  4. it sounds pretty good. it's actually what i do with guys i like to see if they like with that in mind yea it sounds good. It does sound like she likes you though. Good Luck!!

  5. Maybe she didn't really say what her friends said she said.  Anyway,  if you like her and you just asked her to dinner I don't see what's so strong about that.

  6. yep. dont talk. you sound like you are coming on strong. dont try so hard

  7. she likes you.

    watch Dawson's Creek and analyze Joey & Pacey's relationship.

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