
I like this girl do u think she likes me ?

by  |  earlier

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well theres this girl i really like and she says shes st8 but i don't know cuz when i look at her she talks to me and then i look away and see her from my corner of my eye and look back at her and she looks away quickly and she just looks at me for a long time staring at me and when i look back she laughs i don't get her

so could u help


L*****n btw




  1. first she needs to know ur L*****n...and you need to know she is

    and even if she is this doesnt mean anything

    if she is L*****n too talk to her

    see what happens

    need advice..anything check out my page

    email me with ANYTHING you want to talk about

  2. awa :( L*****n ... she knows about that u r L*****n ?

    i need to know before answering ....

  3. Be forward. Not like hey baby I wanna get in your pants forward, but you know what I mean. Just say, hey, I thought I noticed you looking at me and I just want to know. It's totally cool if you're not into that, but you got me curious. If she says no, just apologize and ask that you can still be friends and put it all behind you.

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