
I like this girl. does she like me. she glances and looks away and smiles . she lite up when i talked to her?

by  |  earlier

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HELP PLEASE does she like me




  1. She LIKES you thats why she lit up when you talked to her... thats cute! u should so take it to the next level and get her phone number.

  2. sounds like it!!!! Though, when ever i like some one, i tend to get soo nervous around them, i come off as though i cannot stand thier very presence...which i wish i could fix, lol

  3. i think it depends if the girl like you. some are just very flirtatious and can make you think 1 way wen its not really that way. but i think if u like her and you want to start a relationship with her then you shuld just tell her u like her. or write it in a letter or something. girls love things like that. if she says she likes you to then you've hit da jackpot. if not then u shuldnt b upset or anything jus give it some time and b friends with her. she'll come around to liking you soon

  4. She probably duz like u

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