
I like this girl in my class and i want to date her.?

by Guest56190  |  earlier

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There is this girl in my class and i like her so much. i asked her out lst year and she said she couldnt have a bf till she was 16. well now she is 16 and we flirt back and fourth with each other. But i dont wana asker her out again cause im not sure if she is just being my freind or w/e. She seems like she likes me sometimes and then i get confused as h**l and i dont knoe wat to do. Sometimes i feel like if there is just a little something between us that i can turn that into something but i just dont know???




  1. Just ask her

  2. Go for it=)

    You'll regret it if you dont

  3. Just go and ask her straight be reminding her that you said that when u will be 16 then you will decide ,now you are 16 and i should be the 1st one to ask you and you should always give me 1st chance as this is 1st come 1st get thing (Joking).

    just ask her again if you like her get her win her heart (hope u know how to win a wiman's heart)

  4. You're thinking too much about it.  If you like her, go ahead and set up something like a trip to the store, a movie, trip to a bookstore, ice cream..something where there's no pressure and you can just be yourselves.  Just approach it as a "friend" thing though.  If it goes well, then just be honest and let her know that you had a great time and you'd like to take see her again.  As you build a foundation and a comfort level, you'll know when it's time to step it up.  Just have fun though and don't pressure her.  Sounds like you are respectful about how she feels so your a big step ahead of a lot of people.  Good luck, you'll do fine.

  5. you never know until you try. Just do it

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