
I like this girl in my school and she is real popler and if i tell her i like her then everyone will talk abou

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I like this girl in my school and she is real popler and if i tell her i like her then everyone will talk abou




  1. Go and tell her. You may be nervous but you gotta do that.

  2. You should still tell her.  You never know, she might like you.  Plus, who cares what others say about you!!! Just ignore it and act like it doesn't bother you.  It'll stop quicker.

  3. Man up and tell her.  Get your head on straight, and have confidence.  So what if everyone talks about it, at least your making a move.  I mean what could they possibly say that would be so bad.  If anything it will help your game in the long run.

  4. If you really like this girl as much as you say you do then it shouldn't matter what other people are saying! You need to go for it- tell her how you feel and get it over with!!! You won't know if she likes you back if you don't tell her soon, and nothing will just happen on it's own. Make the first move- sweep her off her popular little feet and show you care, and that you're interested! ^-^ Good luck.

  5. Alright, well I'm going to assume you don't talk to her since she is more popular and you believe everyone will talk about it. Therefore, you like what meets the eye. Don't come out and tell her that you like her. Attempt to get to know her first. If she truly shows no interest and is rude about it to you, than forget it. Eitherway, you more than likely don't know her enough to like her, so actually get to know her!

  6. its ok just tell her if ppl rurom about about u then just ignore them

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