
I like this guy...and just started college.?

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this is my second year of college and there is new people there is this guy really cute that i like... but he has talked to everyone except me..i gave him a pen because he didn't had any, and i told him where to go and stuff because he was lost..he sat next to me..but i think he only sat there because it was the nearest seat to him..

but what can i do to see if he likes me???

and what should i say when im with him??

i really want this guy to like me, as i just left this guy who broke my heart so i think it will be good to start dating people...

thank you..




  1. just tell him you like him, if he feels the same he will tell you he likes you too and then things will just happen after that...if he doesnt feel the same way then you might get embarrassed or upset for a bit but at least you will know and wont be wondering if he likes u or not, what have you got to lose??

  2. Friendship is a good start.

    Be normal at all time.

    Let him do the first move. It's better that way.

    Give it a time. Who knows, your friendship will grow into something deep and beautiful.


  3. If he's new there then start off being good friends with him. You're off to a good start with offering him help around and a pen and a seat & stuff but try this... If he needs more help around don't just tell him, walk him to his destination so you can talk and get to know him on the way, and when you let him borrow the pen, tell him he can keep it that way whenever he uses it he'll think of you. Do something as a group, take some of your friends and his friends and go get some smoothies or coffee or whatever you prefer. I read your other questions (and answered) and I think it's great for you if you start dating again. It's a good way to keep your mind off the situation and this guy sounds really nice. If you like him GO FOR IT! =)

  4. u go for it girl ! all he can say is no ! slim chance he will toh go 4 it hun

  5. well maybe you should leave it a bit longer before you go getting into another relationship, it wouldnt be very fair on him if he was your rebound guy! also, didnt college only start last week or something? maybe you should leave it a bit longer until you can tell what this guy is really like as nobody are their 'real' selves around new people for a little while longer! but maybe if you dont want to wait then just ask him out right if he likes you or not! whats the point in beating around the bush?!  

  6. Hm, sounds like a rebound to me. But if it isn't, just be yourself around him! (obviously in a pretty, good jokes, nice personality, good clothes, hair and make-up kinda way)

    Try to be friends with him first and ask him about stuff he likes. Then you can connect over things like your favourite bands, your favourite drink/beer, your most hated tutor/professor...

    Good luck!

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