
I like this guy but he has a girlfriend?

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Alright so I'm a sophmore & hes a senior , dating another sophmore girl .

I've seen him around school freshman yr but too shy to talk to him, and then his current girlfriend Julia , yep , got him , because of my shyness ..

I introduced myself over summer , and he seems to really like me , he says things like , "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. " "Your smile can brighten anyones day." "I saw you today , your not ugly , your beautiful silly. " "You leave me speechless , and make me smile so much . " etc etc , on the phone . And I saw him today in person and he had a huge smile when he saw me , and when he was with his girlfriend he looked kinda annoyed . Bleh , I want to be with him , or have a chance , what do I do ? Do you think he likes me , or is he just f___cking with me ? "/ ..




  1. Honestly chick, I think that he isn't worth messing with. The reason I say this is because...think about his current girlfriend. And put yourself in her shoes. She thinks she has a honest/good boyfriend, but actually he is flirting with someone else and is not being faithful or loyal completely to her. Wouldn't you want a loyal boyfriend? If he does her like that (looking at you all flirty and stuff while he is sitting with her), don't you think he would do you like that too? The second he finds somebody "hotter" or more "beautiful" or whatever, then he will do you the same way. He sounds like he is still immature and not ready for a serious relationship. He is just wanting the fun and excitement of it all.

  2. I think you have a chance(:

    but i don't get why he would still be with that girl if he seems possibly 'annoyed' when hes with her.

    And the things he says to you, are big signs that hes into you!

    I think you should probably just talk to him about it!

    good luck!

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