
I like this guy soo much! please help me, i need answers from real people willing to help?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i like this guy, his name's Michael. he's going to be 16 in December. I'm going to be 14 in February. he lives down my street, so i see him and talk to him all the time! he's really one of the sweetest and cutest guys ive ever met! and he even says that he likes me too! he makes me feel comfortable, so its not weird. I'm not supposed to be with guys 2 years older than me, but its really different with him. my parents were mad last time because the a couple months ago, i liked a 16 year old who my parents didn't know. but they know Michael (he lives a couple houses away, how could they not, everyone knows everyone around here.) and he's even friends with my brother, which should give him a step ahead.. but do you think i should talk to my parents about him? should i ask them 1st if i can date him? im just scared that if i ask them, they'll get the wrong impression of him, and not even let me see him anymore (even as a friend).. I'm just confused on what to do..! please help me!




  1. You should definately talk to your parents about it, Ive always chosen to talk to my mom about those things because if my dad could have it his way I would never talk to a boy in my lifetime. Anyways, just explain the situation to them, tell them that you like him a lot, and that he also has feelings for you, you should also bring him to your house to hang out with when your parents are home so that they can get a better understanding of what hes all about. Good luck with whatever happens!! <3

  2. Look, u certainly don't want to risk your parents banning u from seeing him. so, I would just go slow for awhile, maybe let your parents get to know him a little bit more first so that they won't freak when u tell them. try to let your parents get used to him and make sure they like Micheal. find a day that they are in a good mood, then slowly start talking about Micheal then vaguely ask if u can go out with him. if your parents say no, then tell them u that u really like him and if they're smart, they'll let u be happy.

    Be careful and Don't get hurt.

  3. well u should probably not tell ur parents because if they say no they're probably not gonna let u hang out with him 'cuz they're gonna think ur going out with him  

  4. Okay, I'm 13 (almost 14). If I was in the situation, I would go to my mom and ask her if I could go out with someone. Then of course she would say yes. Just say, um there is one slight problem, he is 16. Then explain the entire thing. Maybe have him come over to hang out? That might help.  

  5. I don't want to tell you to go against your parents but hey, I was 14 once. They can't keep you from seeing eachother at school or meeting up at the mall or whatever. 2 years isn't a big deal at all, it's quite normal. At 15, I dated an 18 year old (mind you it didn't work out lol). I imagine it would be different where your parents know and like Michael. I wouldn't ask them but that's just me, I never really talked about boys with my parents. You could ask them what they think of him and then when they ask "why?" just say, I think I like him but i'm not sure. That will give them the impression that you want their opinion before you "decide" you like him. Parent's think 14 year olds don't know what they want. They'll totally believe it.  


    pretty much YES talk to your parents, and most likely theyll agree, (especially if it is a guy they know) .... believe me, i wouldnt want my daughter to be dating someone i havent met and gaven my approval to. also, ask them on a good day, bcuz some grownups can add to their decision based on how their day has gone..... good day at work for mom and dad? then its a good time to ask.....if they are hesitant, maybe invite him over for dinner? so they can get to know him...... GOOD LUCK

  7. I think you should talk to your parents first and then if they say no still go for it!

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