
I like this shy girl i need help idk what 2 do?

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ok im a shy freshman and i like this shy girl in my English class. we never talk but we both look at each other when one of us is turned around. we smile at each other when we look at each other. everytime i look at her i feel a strong connection that she might be the perfect girl for me. my friend sees that i check her out and one day comes up to me and tells me to ask her out. so the next day after class i go up to her and ask her out. she looks at me shocked and then has a huge smile turns around and starts shaking and studdering when she was about to answer me back but then she walked really fast to her locker. after that it was the same she looked at me and i at her now school starts 2morro and i want to start off fresh can anyone please tell me what i shud do?




  1. Awe. she's shy...

    ask her again.

    because she didn't say know.

    and i think she wants to, but was too shocked!

    i mean 3 years ago i would've done the exact same thing.


    but ask her again.

    good luck. =D

  2. Just tell her you forgot what was for homework...then say "thanks see ya later"...a few days later go to her and say "Ha thanks for helping me out,"then insist on paying her back by buying her lunch or together and bond...hang out with her every now and then so she gets used to you ... later on tell her she looks nice one morning ...then tell her you havin a hard time in a scool subject and ask her to help u out by asking if u can go 2 her house or her to urs..............Hope I helped

    The love queen Master of all things feminine Foxishiba!!!

    Good luck

  3. well how did u ask her? that is the question.

    'here how u should:

    hey [her name] u look very beautiful today...

    [she says thank you [your name]]

    so i was wondering [dramatic pause] if u would wanna catch a movie on Saturday?

    Then plead with your eyes..

    "BUT!" if she walks away grab her arm gently and say "please... ill buy the snacks..." so that wat u should do...



                                                   ~.^ ~.^  

  4. aww thats so cute. most guys in your grade just say hey babe wana ****. they dont even bother asking her out. thats adorable i wish i knew you in real life. but anyways. try giving her a note next time you see her.thats wat everyone does in my school if they are scared to ask in person.or ask a freind to ask for you.say wana go out? right back. mat.thats all it takes.

  5.     Sounds like you're already good man...just be yourself and talk to her. Getting to know her, or at least becoming somewhat of a friend can help before asking her out...

  6. well sweetie you should ask her again. except this time when she looks at you in class give her that ... well?... look like you want an answer from her and i dunno if you still right notes in school but if you do you should be funny and write a note that says "will you go out with me?" and put check boxes on the bottom that says yes, no, maybe he he he he that would be funny if not then ask her after class. i promise you will regret it later if you wonder what could of happened later. i know cuz i'm there

            good luck sweetie

  7. move your body move that body o0h yea work your body work that body o0h yea who's your buddy who's that body o0h yea

  8. ask again, because she obviously didn't say no!

  9. dont ask her out again just yet...take time to get to know her in school first and then ask her out...the first day of school go up to her and just talk to her...say your sorry that you made her feel shocked and that you just want to be friends for right now..then after you get to know her a lil bit ask her out again..good luck

  10. Argh. Get to know her more, my friend. She was going to say yes, but she'll probably spend all night talking to her friends and stuff. Go up to her again next time you see her and don't straight out ask her... SAY SOMETHING CHARMING FOR GODSAKE! Hahaha! Don't just say "Hey, you want to go out?" Actually start a conversation with her... Ask her what her name is and all that...what she likes to do, etc. try something around the lines of "Sooo, will you go out with me? I know that it's pretty sudden...s-so don't feel obligated to say yes if you don't want to or anything..." shy girls love a little stutter in there somewhere, and it'll probably be there anyways, hahaha!

  11. Hey, you said she was shy right, well then just get to know her more. Maybe she is nervous.  

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