
I like this weird kid at my school?

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He reads anime and doesn't have alot of friends, I honestly haven't talked to him very much, but there is something about him that I really like......I don't know what it is, but all of my friends would think I was insane if anything happened between us....what should I do? And what could I talk to him about since we are so different?




  1. Talk to him about anything you want, and don't worry about what your friends think.  You might find him to be a very interesting person, and someone who is worth getting to know.  Besides, everyone has their own little quirks--it does not make them weird.  If you talk to him and get to know him, you may find out what it is about him that you really like.

  2. What does it matter if your friends disprove? You have your own mind and can make your own choices so if you like this guy, then go for it. Maybe hes a quiet, shy type and doesn't make the first approach which could be why he doesn't have many friends.  If that's the case, he's not weird. Just start a conversation up by saying 'Hello... I've seen you around. You like anime.... I'm quite interested in that myself' and take it from there.

    If that fails, accidentally bump into and start a conversation up that way. When I see a girl I like, it works a treat  ;) .

    Good luck

  3. What do you do?

    Talk, To, Him.

    he isn't weird, no one is weird, everyone is unique, there is no definition for weird and a person. because if every one were weird, then what would you be?

    so, talk to him, you'll realize (and find out) just how normal he is, you'll like him, and be with him. if you go to him thinking that he is already weird, then you wont make it to go out with him later on =)


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