
I like to eat plain white rice.?

by Guest58595  |  earlier

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I like to eat plain white rice.?




  1. Very Chucky, you need to go get yourself some kimchee, boy!  rice will never be the same again.

    If I don't have any kimchee, though, I will agree that there is nothing like some yummy white rice.  I agree with the other posters who said to try Basmati or Jasmine rice.  SO YUMMY and satisfying to your tummy!  MMMMMMMMMM

  2. try the jasmine , you may never go back

  3. Go ahead & enjoy ,i think it is very important to enjoy your food ,no rule that says it has to be well liked or accepted ny many .

  4. Good for you

  5. i do to cause that's part of my culture

  6. Its very good with butter and salt...mmmmmm

  7. nothing wrong with that, me too.

  8. O.K

  9. u r funny lol

  10. I like it too. With a little soy sauce and salt and pepper for dinner. I also like to eat with a little milk, cinnamon and sugar for a dessert.

    Plain white rice rocks.

  11. Have you ever tried it with ghee (clarified butter)? Ghee is available at Indian grocery stores. Try this next time; steamed Basmati or Jasmine rice with 2 tsp of ghee and season it with salt and pepper. Talk about comfort food....

  12. Been eating rice plain rice 3 times a day for more than 60 years.

  13. try basmatti rice it`a white rice with more flavor

  14. mmhhm and?........ you are funny, i had my first giggle for the day. your avatar looked paranoid or something!! seriously!  have a great day and enjoy that rice, lol!!!!!!

  15. I'm glad

  16. I do sometimes, when I have rice in a pot and I'm *really* hungry. If you want the convenience of rice without having to put anything on it, you could always pour a little soy sauce and vinegar over it, maybe some garlic powder or garlic salt. It gives it a nice "adobo" taste.

    I've also seen Filipinos put powdered milk and sugar on their rice. I suppose it'd be sort of a sweet snack that way, like a "lazy rice pudding." :)

  17. me too, it's one of my favorite snacks.

  18. That is good for someone on a diet.  Low calorie and filling.

  19. so do a billion other people

    I hate uncle Ben's or any rice that is in a frozen dinner.  

    Jasmine rice all the way!!!

  20. me too, sometimes.

  21. I like it as a breakfast cereal served hot with butter, honey and milk.  Yum!!

  22. okay..

  23. so do I

    I also like to put butter and sugar on it........YUM

  24. we always eat plain white rice almost every meal but it is always with a viand.

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