
I like to go for tuna or shark fishing. Can someone tell me how far I can safely go on 27'boat from Bklyn NY.?

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Hi Capt. Bill T, jtexas and alvarz.Thanks for answering my question.I own a boat for the past 15 years and been fishing for the same amount of years.Problem is not navigating channels but how much I can safely push my boat wich has 300 hp strait inboard and 120 gal. of gas. I have been as far as about 20-25 miles out.Would be cheaper for me to charter a boat but it would be capt.??? taking us there.I thought if I were to go for tuna it would be better fishig.That is why I asked the qustion.




  1. have a fuel flow meter or dependable fuel gauge?  or separate tanks?

    general rule, 1/3 fuel supply outbound leg, 1/3 return leg, 1/3 reserve.

    if you have separate fuel supply for trolling, so much the better.

    sorry, don't know about charter costs.  chartered a deep sea boat in Belize for US$600/day 5 or 7 years ago, fully crewed.

    Reliable communications, navionics, weather radar, and sea tow insurance might extend your range a bit.

  2. well if you know how far you can travel on a full tank (range) just divide the miles into 2, so if you have a 100 mile range on 1 tank then 50 miles out, you need enough to get back

  3. okay - here is the safe rule of thumb for boating.  1/3 of fuel to run to fishing spot, 1/3 to return home and 1/3 in case of an emergency.   So with 120 gallons you can safely run out with 40 gallons of fuel, 40 for home and 40 for reserve.  I know alot of people may think that is excessive but off shore is no fun to be out of fuel or running out when trying to make it the slip.

    Off Shore trips here (Maryland / Delaware) are 1200 - 2000 plus a day for up to 6 people.  Some are cheaper - but do not run out where you are going to catch tuna.  

    If you need someone to help with leaders and wind in fish    :-)

  4. You don't have to go all that far. You can head over to the Mud Hole, just south of Ambrose Tower (if its still there) and get some tuna in season. I have also seen sharks there. Check it out on a chart. If you have time you could run your boat out to Montauk and stay over. Then its not a bad run at all to get to areas you can hook up anything. From there you can easily get to Block Island and fish the south side for tuna or shark.

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