
I like to know about America. Can anyone help me.?

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I want to know about America because I like it very much because of its fastest and modernization in the earth. I also want to like in this respectable place.




  1. America is a very nice place. I think it is perfect. Lots of interesting things to do there and yes it is a respectable place. Good values and people.

    By the way Michael Moore was born in Flint Michigan so I think that makes him American. He seems to be a great man and seems to care about america. Everyone is allowed free speech. His movies are great and well thought out. He seems to be very educated about his research.

  2. Many people are cynical of the culture in the US, including techie.

    It does contain some of the best and the worst in the world. Most people are friendly and nonjudgmental of others. Most of the land is beautiful and people want to keep it that way.

    We are in need, however, of a widespread political and spiritual awakening to overcome the complacency that has gradually permeated the culture. People who want to help are welcome.

  3. I think its okay but I'm very fortunate to be here.  My really good friend is from russia and some of the stories I hear are very depressing, she likes it over here much better.  But I love other countries especially russia,  probably because I'm a very curious person and I like learning about other cultures.

  4. Most Americans complain and complain about this country, but then sometimes we have sudden insurgencies of patriotism (like we did at the time of 9/11).

    We have huge buildings in the cities, and small remote areas in the country. It's very diverse in race, religion, etc. (At least where I live). There is much racism, although it is latent, it is there. Especially in the south.

    We love baseball, football, and basketball. Some southerners like Nascar. Some like hockey, few like soccer.

    Religion and politics are the 2 most controversial topics in this country and they certainly stir up alot of emotion in most people.

    Most Americans are very friendly, but there are a few jerks, just like any other place. Most educated ones are extremely accepting, and are naturally curious. However some are ignorant about many political issues, but still choose to go on rampant lectures about things they don't understand.

    I do love our democratic proccesses, our freedoms, our rights. I love the opportunities America has for me. I am disappointed, however, in the current state of the US as far as world opinion goes. Most of the world hates our country. And I think we brought alot of it upon ourselves.

    That's what I think of America.

    I love it. [=

  5. First of all Michael Moore is an idiot not an American.he has a preconceived idea on how America is and then makes a movie that will validate those ideas.Tho America is far from perfect, read the Bill of Rights,The Constitution,The Declaration of Independence.They are not always followed because they are implemented by men with agendas{ both democratic and republican}.The ideals behind them could be framework for the world.If they were actually followed as they were written.The documents have been so blasphemed now we will probably never be able to come back.

  6. Unfortunately, the worst source to learn about America is from an American.

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