
I like to teach tennis ,how can i certify me...?

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  1. There is no real certification required by say state or federal regulation.

    There is however the USPTA U.S. Professional Tennis Association by which you can be tested to gain a certification much in the way artisans would belong to a guild. It offers quality assurance for the consumer and liability protection for instructors planning to make it their career.

    If you just want to do lessons on the side (not major portion of your income) then there's really no incentive to getting certified.

  2. disagree with hugoboss - please get a USPTA certificate.

    you will have to pay and go through their classes/program and get trained and tested to become a coach.

    1. to verify your tennis knowledge is correct

    2. to learn new skills how to teach

    3. you will be able to apply for country club teaching pro jobs.

    4. to teach your student the correct way to play tennis.

    i am completely annoyed by the amerture "coach" that absolutely no idea what they are talking about and teaching the beginners all the wrong things about tenns, and set a horrible foundation for their tennis life. the result is a lot of injury and bad form without possible of improving.

    it is a lot harder to "correct" bad habbit than to learn from scratch.  too many so call "coach" don't know jack and ruine a bunch of beginners.

    please get certified if you really want to be a coach.

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