
I like volleyball but i like soccer i don't know which i should do?

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i'm new to this school and i don't know which is easier to make friends or is more popular




  1. I would say soccer, because in volleyball you do not get as much exersize, and if you are athletic then volleyball would not be that great, you should do one sport one year practice the other at home and then switch for the next year. And plus the sport doesnt make friends ... I learned that the hard way.

  2. i luv both

    luckly my school has soccer as a fall sport and volleyball as a spring [but then i cant join baseball in spring]

    getting back 2 the point

    soccer...even though its more stressful it is a better way to stay in shape

    and is way funner

  3. I would do volleyball if you are looking for a bigger future because more colleges tend to give scolarships to people in volleyball because it is a more popular sport and a lot of girls on my volleyball team have the same dilemma i would do the one that you enjoy the most!!! ( :

  4. VOlleyball all the way. i <3 vball so much. but r u better at soccer. i would choose the one i am best at because you will play more and you maybe even could be a starter and then u will probbally be pretty popular.

  5. SOCCER!!! SOCCER'S DA BOMB!!!! YOU CAN KICK BOY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEHE!!! and besides, volleyball hurts your wrists... and...... SOCCERS COOLER!!

  6. I had to make the same decision because at my school soccer and volleyball are in the same season, and I choose volleyball, and I've never wanted to switch!

    Top reasons for picking volleyball:

    1. Great exercise. Depends on the coach, but you definitely will work your abs and arms, which is really fun in the summer :) Also my coaches did a lot of training and after almost every pre-season practice I'd come home so sore! You truly get into great shape.

    2. More opportunties. In volleyball, you can be a setter, hitter, defense specialist...even more options than that! You have to really work as a team and do your job! In Soccer- one girl can run the show.

    3. It's a life-long sport! Majority of my relatives are playing volleyball to this day (they are in their 60's)! Also, slightly random, but you play volleyball at majority of parties and graduations. It's great to not feel like you're the one holding back your team (even if it is just for fun)!

    Well I hope that was helpful. I hope you pick whichever sport is best for you :) Good luck!

  7. Well, I played volleyball, and my sister plays soccer.  I don't think it matters which sport you play.  You don't have to play a sport to be popular, and playing one doesn't guarantee popularity.  I'd suggest playing soccer, since I think you get in better shape playing soccer instead of volleyball.  Personal opinion:  don't worry about being popular, it's overrated.  Once you graduate, you probably won't talk to many of your "friends" anyway.

  8. You could always play both , but you'd be tired.

    Some people say if you play soccer you'll be in better shape,

    but volleyball makes up for not running around in practice.

    Personally, I play both, and i could NEVER choose.

    So try both.

    And don't do it to be popular , but if you become great at both, you'll get respect.

  9. both are fun. I actually think volleyball is more of a fun sport and socccer takes more work but if you are in it for he fun-->voleyball, but if its to stay in shape then go with soccer.

    Volleyball is a more friendly sport because youy  and your teammates are constantly talking in games and out

  10. Volleyball.

    No question.

    It's safer, and your abs will be unbelievable.

    Plus, screaming is a required asset to the game.

  11. i prefer volleyball because it's more fun!

  12. why don't you just join both? in new york, girls volleyball and girls soccer are in different seasons so girls can be on both teams!

    but the real reason you should want to join a team is because you love the sport, not because you want to be popular.

    just be yourself and friends will come naturally :)

  13. well i say soccer but which are you better at?

  14. volleyball, because in soccer you can get kick and you have to fight for the ball. In volleyball the net separates you and the other team. The only thing you have to worry about in volleyball is getting hit in the head. Socccer is  a lot of worrying. Getting kick or trip and don't forget the ball can hit you too. Plus, you play inside for volleyball unlike soccer. Whatever you pick make it a good choice.

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