
I likemy ex and he used to be my best friend but he has a girlfriend...?

by  |  earlier

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i went out with him for nearly five months. it was three days before our five months. i want to be with him because of our relationship and how well it was going. i thought it was good and i wanted to be with him for a while. okay so enough about that. apparently the girl he's with he's had the hotts for her for along time...they've been together for a few days and he's making love dedications to her already... i am getting jealous....i thought i was over him but i guess i'm not...he doesn't go out with a girl more than he says...i was really close to him...and his family and he was close to mine... i don't know what really happened and i am very confused i don't know what to do because i want him....i am a big flirt but when i was with him i didn't flirt with anyone because i love him...




  1. I think the best advice I can give you ( and this is from experience) is to find things that you enjoy to do and try to move on. I think if he wanted to be with you he would...sometimes these things happen and you can try to look at this as a crossroads in your life...a time to discover yourself...If he is with another girl, I would leave him alone...there is nothing more unattractive than a jealous ex-girl friend bothering you.....Show him that you can live with out him and that it is his might make him think...independence and showing that you are much more mature than any jealous action is a big turn a positive up lift for you...Good luck and stay strong....and no late night calls to him!! lol....I wish you well..God Bless

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