
I listend to Jeremy Vine for the first time this week - is he dreadful or is it just me???

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My partner says he is a well respected but I can just not believe that, his show was like a mixture of daytime tv trash and the Daily Mail. He is partonising, arrogant, pushy, sensationalist, narrow-minded, and really quite c**p. if he is trying to be a hard hitting journalist, and winding people up intentionally then it falls flat on its face, Paxman has little to worry about - I expect this is how he is trying to come across but fails miserable, it's like he tried and missed by a long mark and it's so transparent. Is it just me, I cannot explain how irritating this show was, I won't be listening again that's for sure.




  1. Yes he is very Daily Mail, but maybe he is just playing this role to satisfy all the moaning old whinging right wingers out there.  personally I can't stand his show, I have had the misfortune to come across it a couple of times and now I stay well clear.  It's worrying that it is so popular though.

  2. listen to radio 2 all the time but turn off Jeremy Vine

  3. It's just you - don't listen again!

    For the record - I don't listen (I'm a Radio 1 man til 10am and then it's radio 4 all day) but lots of folk do - they must, otherwise the show would  get axed!

  4. it's not just you, I've had this conversation with a few people, how on EARTH did he get this show on Radio 2??  He should be doing a 'Kilroy' type trashy daytime thing on TV.  I agree he irritates the heck out of me the right wing pompous arrogant so and so.

  5. You are absolutely right I think.  I have to turn him off when he comes on the radio, I can't bear his smarmy, patronising attitude.  He is just so smug, and his voice......... aaarrgh.

  6. I can't bear him either, I mean I really can't listen to him without it spoiling my day, if I happen to come across his show in the car I have to turn it off or I would be sure to smash into somebody.

  7. It's definitely not just you!  I have listened once or twice, and it makes me cringe.  I too fail to see how anybody could listen to this with half a brain.  dumbing down yet again I guess.

    Also see here

    You are definitely not alone!

  8. I hear you - trash trash trash trash trash.  Made for people who can't think for themselves.  But then, there are a lot of those in the UK.  No wonder it's so popular. Bleaters.  Ughh.  makes me feel ill just thinking of him and his smarmy voice.

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