
I lit the fireplace while the flue was blocked--how do I get the smoke smell out?

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Last night I lit my fireplace (I live in a basement apartment) but the flue was blocked and smoke could not escape. At first there was only a tiny amount of smoke in the air and it wasn't noticable except for some smell. However, as time went on, the room started getting more smoky and my eyes started to sting a little. I poured water on the fire (I used a DuraLog) to put it out, then covered it with an old blanket. I opened all the windows, took the remainder of the log outside, swept up all of the ashes, turned the ceiling fan on and a standing fan, and it got better. This morning, there is still a scent of smoke in the air, though it is mild. Should I scrub all the wood and carpet, wash the blankets, bleach the kitchen, etc or is that overkill? The landlord upstairs is convinced that she will need to pay hundreds of dollars to fix this (which I offered to pay because it was my mistake) but it doesn't seem that bad except the smell. Will a regular air freshener do the trick?




  1. Set several saucers or vinegar in strategic spots.  This should take care of problem, and also at fireplace.

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