
I live 2 lives and i dont know how long can keep it under the table. PLEASE HELP

by  |  earlier

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so ive decided to tell my story.

i am a 15 year old girl who is in states custody in a foster home. and i live 2 lives

to my foster parents i am an angel i dont do anything wrong. i have good grades and im drug fee unlike my habbits before i went in states custody

on the flip side im a drug doing s*x addicted depressed mentaly ill person. i have problems on a daily level and i cant help it

i go through lies everyday with my foster mom and i dont know how long im going to last if i give up my whole system will crash down and i will be put on lockdown and i could have charges on my record

or i could keep up my sherade and have the llies build up as i try to sort them all out.

i dont think this has ver happend to you before




  1.    You're right.  I have never been in your situation, but here's the way I think this needs to go down.  If you trust your foster mom, then tell her what is going on and ask her to get you help.  The state will pay for it, and she will help you to get the help you need.  If you don't trust her, then tell your caseworker.  She has the connections to get you what you need.  It is a very positive thing that you are reaching out for help.  Hold on to the thought that you are making positive steps to turn your life around.  It will strengthen you for the long road ahead.  Congratulations on the good choices you are about to make for yourself and your future.

  2. Is the question "has this ever happen to me before?" No

  3. Seek therapy. You're not alone with this problem. Lots of teens have problems with drugs and s*x.  

  4. oh i feel so bad for you!!!  you need to go and tell someone you trust what is really going on.  if you cant talk to the foster mom talk to someone else, a counselor.  there are people who are going through the same thing you are and you are not alone!!  do you go to church?  maybe you can try to talk to someone there.  



  5. Your life is in question right now.  You cannot continue this dual presentation.  You are an addict in more ways than one and you need help.  Ask for it, get it, do what you have to do to get yourself taken care of.  You won't survive if you don't.  That should scare you by itself, but the drugs won't let you see that.  You are writing us on answers which tells me you don't want to continue this life.  Take yourself to someone,anyone who can help you.  At 15 you cannot take this on yourself.  Try to talk with your fosters first....please.  If they are good people, they will want to know and I'm sure they have seen the signs of your demise and just don't know what to do.  Ask them for help with a drug rehab and a counselor.  Please do whatever you can to pull yourself out of this.  You will not have a life if you don't  If they won't help, take yourself to a rehab and try to find the appropriate help there.  Whatever it takes.  Do not continue down this path without some help.  Ask anyone you know that could possibly help you.  I really beseech you on this.  15 is not old enough to know all the avenues but you can if you want seek the help you need.  Don't keep on where you are going.

  6. I would go to someone who you know you can trust and tell them everything if you don't its going to eat you up and drive you crazy.

  7. Since you have foster parents this is your chance to make things right. So stop and tell them what is going on - I am sure they will help you.


    You will crash and hard! and your life will get messed up forever.

    PLEASE! make things right. Put your head up and fix your life so you can be someone and not repeat the tragedies that happened in your life

  8. Tell them the truth and tell them you need professioanl help.

  9. You need to change.  You have foster parents that took you in.  And now hearing all of this will be a heartbreaker.  But you know, you need to change things NOW before it gets outta hand.  You can't live this other life.  You'll destroy the relationship you have with your foster parents.  Then they'll start to think that this is their fault.. and to be honest by having this whole other life... you make yourself seem ungrateful.  STOP DOING ALL THIS c**p.  You dig your self in such a deephole of lies you need to climb out and face the truth.  Face your PARENTS.  Enough of this, because people shouldn't feel sorry for you.  I'm not going to feel sorry for you because these are YOUR choices.  But you do know if you want to change all of this, then you need to change for your foster parents and become a better person.  Good luck.  They care about you.  Don't destroy what you have.  Drugs, s*x and all that stuff won't destroy you... you'll destroy yourself.. when you have to face the disappointment of your parents.  But you know... the bright side.. they still love you.  they care for you and they'll help you.  i hope this into consideration.. i don't care about points.. i care about helping people.  good luck. and take care of yourself. :]  i don't say all of this to be mean. i say it to tell you the truth.

    - a friend.

  10. Please talk to your school counselor.  You have plenty of reasons to have a 2nd life.  It's clear you are unhappy with your alternate ego, so get some help with dissolving the bad girl.  

    The counselor will help you disclose to your foster parents.  You'll feel better and the foster parents will be better equipped to help your real, fabulous self shine through.

    Like Nike says, "just do it."

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