
I live 70 miles away from London, would i stand a chance in nuclear war?

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please i need re-assuring because i get really worried about these things.




  1. Depends on where they Nuke. If London was the only city, yes, you stand a chance

  2. Well the chances of a nuclear war happening are very slim to none.

  3. From direct blast and prompt radiation effects, yes, anywhere more than 10 miles away is very survivable*. Even fallout is not as big a problem as the movies in the 1960s made it out to be (you would need to stay inside for 2 to 3 weeks though). The real issue would be that damage to infrastructure might make it hard to get food after-wards.  But since London is in Europe, and everyone loves Europe and there will never be wars involving any European country ever again, I wouldn't worry too much.

    * During the 1950s, the U.S. put soldiers within 1 KM of blasts (in slit trenches) and they survived without a problem.

  4. My answer is that everything is going to be alright...

  5. you are surrounded by military bases you would be toast. everywhere within a 100+ miles of london especially in the more southern regions will get nuked as the area is literally crawling with high value targets. Sorry old boy but you might wanna move before WW3.

  6. No, not from the war, perhaps the first salvo. All of Europe would be a smoldering hole if nuclear war came to be.

    **I'm old enough to know this, so if you're younger than 30 listen well: once the missiles start to fly, neither side has any guarantees of how many/when the other side will stop, so if nuclear war between Russia/China/the West erupted, it would be an all or nothing proposition. You don't drop one nuke and hope the enemy will only do the same, your aim is to obliterate the other side as quickly as possible.

  7. You could drive yourself nuts worrying about things like that. If we have a nuclear war, nothing but the rats would be left.

    Think of happy things. Don't start worrying about world events that

    are out of your control.

  8. From the initial blast yes, unless there are other targets of interest around you, like other major cities or military installations.  Of course then there is the radioactive fallout that typically drifts downwind.

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