
I live abroad and cant pay my UK credit card debt

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Has anyone stopped paying their UK debt while living abroad ? I have not paid for almost 4 years now. My brother still gets letters etc (lives in the UK) and so do I (I get them to my address abraod) but it has been getting much less now and only from 1 or 2 debt collectors, many CC have not even bothered anymore. A month ago a Debt Collector Company called me on my mobile and asked if I was there. I asked who was calling and he mentioned his name and the company name. I said I was not the person he was asking for. He then asked if I knew this person he was looking for and I said "no". He apologized and stuff.

It is under my understanding that after 6 years debt collectors cannot get debt back as it will be barred. Anyone with this similar experience can share their views with me ?




  1. Yes debt collectors are a pain because they want you to pay back what you promised.  There is no statute of limitations.

    If you don't you are a thief.  It's a moral question about what kind of a person you are.

  2. Debt collectors are a pain because I think they use computerised auto-dialler to call me almost everyday. The risk is that they could apply to the court and get a judgement, but I think they can only do this if they have your address. Problem with Visa and Mastercard is that they may keep debt information forever.

  3. I too hope they catch up with you, after all you spent the money in the 1st place!

    It's people like you that makes borrowing more expensive for everyone else because they have to make up the money from somewhere.

  4. let's just hope they catch up with people like you!

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