
I live and work in a small town for a small manufacturing company.?

by  |  earlier

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I work as the only IT Support for this company. It is a small business with many not English speaking workers (Which doesn’t bother me, my boss speaks poor English). I was hired to repair computers, printers and such. But at least twice a week I am cussed at, yelled at and degraded in front of the whole office for problems that aren’t my job and have no clue about. (AutoCAD and Engineering). My boss is not from the US but has been here for a while. Is there anything I can do or is this a small business type thing? I’ve never worked for a small business like this before. I’ve heard he goes though people a lot and now I know why. Is there anything that can be done? Is treating employees this way legal? I graduate in a few months is it worth just biting my tongues?




  1. Yup, that is a typical small business. It's mostly legal, unless he behaves in some illegal manner. Even then, it is almost NEVER worth while to take any legal action.

    Put up with it as long as you can until you can escape. Try and make it into some kind of secret game with yourself. See how successful you can be at saying yes, sir, no sir, sorry sir, and gettinghim to believe you are serious.

    When it's time to walk away, just be quiet and walk away. Don't say anything or try and get even. Shut the door quietly and walk into the bright light of a better day.

    This kind of treatment also exists in larger businesses, but it's much rarer.

  2. Get your diploma and get a better job.

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