
I live in Arizona. Does my employer have the right to demand to know where my second job is held?

by  |  earlier

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I had a questionnaire in my box today saying I had to fill it out and turn it in. It asked me where my second job was, what my position was, and when my shifts there were. Are they aloud to ask me this? Do I Have to fill it out? If I am fired as a result of this questionnaire do I have any recourse?




  1. Yes as the first answerer answered , its mainly about scheduling and also to note your first job normally is your main job and that normally takes priority over the second job.. Dont know about any recourses  but they cant just fire you without any good reason, they can "lay you off"  . Most business's want a person(s) that dedicated to their companys but I know with todays economy sometimes its hard to live on the one job alone!

    Good Luck

  2. they are aloud to ask b/c they need to know your hours to be able to work your schedule for their job around the other job and another reason (not sure if it applies since i don't know your job title) is that they need to confirm that you are not causing a conflict of interest by working at this other company

  3. Unless you're moonlighting at a job that directly competes with your existing position, no.

    This is an employer that ought to get out of the 1950's mindset - it used to be that an employer could inquire and prohibit moonlighting, but that was long, long ago.

    At this point, it's none of their business.

    If they fire you for not responding, you'd have recourse.(Unless your employment contract specifically says that they can do this, of course).

    In the meantime, if another job can be found, you'd be wise to consider leaving this dinosaur mentality and moving to a more progressive firm.

  4. No, you don't have to answer it. It's none of their business and if you are fired for it, contact the labor board.

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