
I live in Canada and my friend from the USA called me. Is this going to cost me? (important)?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so I live in Ontario, Canada and my friend lives in Texas, USA. He called me and we talked for a little over an hour. Is this going to cost me and if so how much? I'm with bell but I don't know what company he is with. If you can help me please please do. I'm scared my parents are going to notice and I'll get into alot of trouble




  1. Unless it was a collect call, you won't have any charges. Keep in mind, when they call you it is long distance charges on their bill, not yours. With cell phones, it varies, usually calls accross the border are not included in free minutes and apply at a per minute rate.

  2. no it wont, unless it was collect..

  3. If he called on a cell phone, yes.

    If he called on a normal land line, then no.  The party that calls pays the charges.

  4. Are you talking about calling on a cell phone?  If so, yes, it's going to show up on your bill and probably will cost you.  How much depends on what your carrier charges for international calls.

    If you're talking about a landline, don't worry about it; the person placing the call is the one who incurs the charge for it.  It won't appear on your phone bill at all.

  5. incoming calls are usually paid for by whoever dialled

    an hour? i hope he has a good long distance plan

  6. the person placing the call pays, not the one receiving it.  unless you accepted it as a collect call.

  7. If your freind called you them do not worry.  Unless it was a colloect call your friend will be paying for it.

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