
I live in Canada what are our citizens supposed to do if the cops take 15 Min to come, when you cant use a gun

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In think it's a bit crazy here they are so picky about who can have a gun, I had to wait 2 years for a licence cause someone i knew did something I had no part in. so obviously people who legally own them have a brain in their head. But then if someones trying to kill us and we even take it out let alone use it its jail time. No more guns, a criminal record ect. its crazy al the crimnals get them for $50 off drug dealers ect




  1. Places here in the U.S. with strict gun laws have the highest crime rates. That should tell you something.  

  2. There are many places in the USA and Canada where the polices are hours or days away.

  3. Then move to the US, where you can own all the guns you want and the crime rate is 3 times higher.  Go ahead, Canada doesn't need you.

  4. You're probably just going to drop the gloves and go ahead and take the major.

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