
I live in Dundalk, should I be afraid of Dinosaurs?

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Dundalk is in the Metazoic Age




  1. ummmmmmmm... what the dueces??

  2. It's a good thing you explained where dundalk was, because otherwise I would've been lost.  However, I still seem to be lost as metazoic describes multi-celled animals... If you meant Mesozoic though, then yes you should be very afraid of dinosaurs... just not the sauropods and others like that.  good luck telling the difference without being eaten!

  3. If you mean Dundalk is in the Mesozoic era, and that you are a human, then yes. I don't really know where or what Dundalk is, but as long as its during the Mesozoic era, then you should be afraid. If you were way back to the beginning of the Triassic Period, There probably weren't any dinosaurs(there were huge reptiles ex. Postosuchus), but from the Jurassic and on you probably wouldn't be safe anywhere. The smaller plant eaters (ex. hypsilophodonts) wouldn't really bother you, but watch out for larger ones like stegosaurs, ankylosaurs, sauropods, and maybe even iguanodonts. Definately carnivorous theropods would try to snatch you, and even the small ones would try to hunt you down in packs.


  5. yes. try to live underground in a den or something so they cant get you

  6. crack is bad.

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