
I live in England but need help with western saddles!

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I have bought one for my Appaloosa having always ridden in English tack. Firstly, the stirrups seem too small for my feet. I think I'd be best with 5" or 5.5" at the bottom - what's the standard size for ladies? Most of the ones I've found on ebay are 4.5" ish and would be too small. Any ideas where I can get some in England/ shipped to England?

Also, when I saddle her up, the stirrups seem to lie further back than they do on an English saddle, in comparison to her girth line. Is this the norm?!!




  1. it depends where u live but there is an excellent western tack shop in tunbridge wells. If u buy a good horsey magazine u may find adverts for western tack shops or try googling it. i have been western riding in the new forest too and there are some stables that have tack shops. u could also try looking for someone that teaches western riding they will be able to help u. Im sure u will have no problems

  2. circle y may ship to england


    has alot of great stuff, u might have to pay extra for were u live

  3. First of all, what BRAND of western saddle did you buy?  I've always preferred 5" or larger bell stirrups on my western saddles.

    I know that Broken Horn Saddlery can make stirrups for you and ship them to the UK.

    I'm guessing that you bought the saddle NEW because I know how tough quarentine is on leather.

    As for setting your stirrups, you want to turn then after you've wet the leathers.  Which means turn them away from the pommel, then sticking a broom handle in the stirrups to get them to hold their position and allow them to dry that way.  When riding western you want to be able to see your toes when you're up on the saddle.

  4. Don't know the standard size but I take a 5" stirrups in western.

    You can get them from dover sadderely shipped to england. And robinsons sometimes do them. =]

  5. The others have answered about stirrups.  Yes, the stirrups may be set back farther than what you are used to.  You ride with a longer leg, with less bend at the hip in a western saddle than in an english saddle if it is designed for jumping, so the position of the stirrup leathers may well be farther back.  The other thing that can vary is where the girth is rigged on the saddle...western saddles offer different riggings for different disciplines.

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