
I live in Fresno CA and want to move to France.(Perminetly)?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me all of the things I would need to move over there...

Such as good websites for houses and jobs.

(Such as the area paris is in)

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  1. Meeeee  toooooooo let me know when you find it al out,. first is to get a passport and a work visa,.. then just go,. find a cheap hotel on line or better yet an apt that the  students use while they are there studying abroad and live there,.. GOOD luck in finding a job! I'm sure u speak FRENCH FLUENTLY

  2. OMG

    Are you crazy!?

    Stay in California

    Sorry that I didn't answer your question but I'm just totally shocked that someone would like to move from CA to Europe! I come from Europe, I've been to both France and US and for God's sake, stay in California!

  3. First it is VERY important to speak the language.  If you don't you'll never be able to live in that country (or anyone that doesn't have English as language).

    second work hard and learn quikly the customs (which are very different from California), to be able to find a good job (unemployment is much stronger than in the US!)

    third, accept of being paid less than you would have in California.

    and finally repect local culture and try to avoid to live inside your own anglophone community as many Anglophones do. Don't forget that you are a foreigner and don't try to act as if you were in the US.

    Well, I hope It didn't depressed you too much, but it is better to know those basic rules. good luck!


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