
I live in Georgi 5 years and before I lived in RUSSIA 10years!!

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I would want that all europas and all people have prayed for my native land and for the Georgian which protect the native land!!! Thanks!




  1. You need kill your fascist president,just then pray...

  2. well

    we are all praying for peace

    hope all goes well :)  

  3. I am very sorry to see what Russia is doing to your Country.

    I agree, that old KGB thug, Putin is conducting a genocidal war of aggression against you and your people.

    I have been doing my best to wake up the people here in the United States to what Russia and Putin are doing, however here in the United States most people do not know that your country even exists. They confuse your country of Georgia with the state of Georgia in the United States.

    We are all praying for you and your native land. I hope that we can persuade the George Bush Administration to bring the power and influence of the United States of America to your side.

    I know that your country, Georgia came to our assistance in Iraq and is the third largest contributor of troops in that conflict. We certainly owe you and your country our support.  

  4. cossack, that is not nice to ana. you don't have the guts to do it yourself don't ask others to do it for you. i don't know what you mother or father did to you. but you definitely need a shrink to talk to. Are you related to anyone who started this war? who ever start the war think just like you.

  5. I've seen the news on both Russia Today and CNN.  Two versions of the facts.  

  6. Comrade Cossack is absolutly right

  7. Ana this is all politics!

    Many dirty interests are involved!

    And the worse thing is that innocent people are dying from both sides!

    The world sould pray for peace everywhere!

    Good luck!

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