
I live in Germany and I am in Graffenweohr, about a hour north of Nurnberg.?

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I want to go on a road trip tomorrow with my wife, somewhere fun. Maybe possibly in another country, I was interested in Italy or something but maybe that is to far away and to expensive. I would like to do something maybe near an a Military base somewhere if I went to Italy so I could take advantage of the hotel and things on base. If not italy some where that is Historical in Germany, does anyone have any suggestions to where I should go? Other countries surrounding A Germany are of interest to me to.




  1. I agree with Rick the sick - but I do understand the asker aswell since my education is poor as well

  2. I am in Niederwerrn (next to Schweinfurt) and I suggest going to Prague. You are right near the border, and if you are driving, it shouldn't be more than a 3-4 hours drive. Prague is  realitively cheap especially if you stay at a hostel. I normally go for hotels because all you really need when traveling (in my travels) is a place to lay your head at night and a place to store your stuff. If driving, you can keep your stuff in the car. I was in Prague 3 weeks ago and only spent 15$ a night on a hostel. Just make sure you bring flip-flops for the showers.

  3. I think that Paris is only about 5 hours from you. I lived in Weisbaden (a nice place to visit too) and went to paris a few times. There is so much to do there. Paris is so romantic, I love it.

  4. go to Dresden, it's only 3 hours drive and it has museums, an opera, shopping malls, a river (Elbe) where you can go on boat trips to the Saxon Switzerland, wineyards, castles, curches, bars and all that. It's also close to the polish and the czech border.


  5. I'm quite fond of Regensburg. Im a Bavarian German who lived and worked there for some time, and it's easy to reach by train from Grafenwöhr. It has ancient Roman buildings, the famous Regensburg Dom (cathedral), a medieval town center, and lots of nice pubs. It's a student city also, so you'll probably meet young people who speak good English from all places in Germany who study at Regensburg university. And it's on the river Danube, the "Donau", which I think is a must-see for everybody being in Germany.

    Just an idea.


    @baby penguin,

    yea, sure. Going to Dresden out of Grafenwöhr requires a long travel by train, and where were the ONLY nationalist riots after the German vs Turkey semi-final? You guess it, Dresden. They would have to pay me loads of money to ever move there.

    Leipzig, on the other hand, is a city I like.

  6. what about Thuringia - I am sure we have someone in the community that can give some more ideas on that - oh and regarding the thumb downs we should ask the following guy and his trolls in this section:;...

  7. If you are interested in driving I would recommend a trip to Prague.  It is much cheaper than Germany.  You can get a room in Prague for about 60 euros a night.  Prague has some great tourist sights.  From Graff it is a good weekend getaway.  

    Also, if you are interested in Italy I would recommend that you check out Ryan Air.  You can get a round trip flight to Italy for less than 50 euros.

  8. Italy is definately too far for a weekend trip. It would recommend you choose Heidelberg in Germany as destination. It is in decent travel distance (about 190 miles from GTA), has a lot of worth seeing objects, and a US MILCOM.

  9. wow i trip to a military base i'm sure your wife will love that *sarcasm*

    how 'bout Switzerland

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