
I live in Gloucester, United Kingdom. I'm 14 nearly 15, is there anywhere i can work?

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I live in Gloucester, United Kingdom. I'm 14 nearly 15, is there anywhere i can work?




  1. you could do thing like babysitting and washing cars and stuff but i think if you want a proper job then no because your not een old enough to work a till yet, i think maybe in a few years when your 16 and until then do volutary work and stuff, i dont get why people are in suc rushes to get ajob because they really are hard work and if your short on cah then ask your mum and in year or so think about jobs

  2. you could try a few of your local car dealers for a saturday job washing cars,or paper rounds theres not much else to be honest with the laws and minimum wages.

    or failing that when i was your age used to go round my neighbours houses seeing if anyone wanted there cars cleaning,ask for £5 per car,worth a try.

    just need a bucket and a shammy leather.

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