
I live in Houston, will Hurricane Gustav hit me bad, and when will it hit? Will school be off for that day?

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I live in Houston, will Hurricane Gustav hit me bad, and when will it hit? Will school be off for that day?




  1. im pretty sure that hurricane gustav wont hit houston..

    the only thing that houston gets is like rain and some wind

    oh im also from houston :)

    Good Luck.

  2. im not sure. but im sure if its gonna hit you, your goverment will tell you.  

    Hopefully not :)

    P.S this is a bit random but i live in Australia and theres never any hurricanes there, so i probably dont know much about this subject :)  

  3. it gonna rain gonna be windy get out of there

  4. NO... it should stay well to your northeast.  You may get a little rain is all so do your homework !!

  5. You won't get a good answer here.  Watch your local weather report and the Weather Channel.  They have the latest info.

  6. I'm sure they dont want any kids in school durring a Hurricane

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