
I live in India.. I m an atheist.. But i m born as a Hindu... How can i change my religion... ?

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Just tell me the steps .. how to change the religion

i want to accept humanism ,, non-religious , as an atheist but not a hindu




  1. confused? yeah if you're an athiest you dont technically have a religion to change to. there is not written register of hindus or any other religion so if you've stopped practicing thats about it really.

  2. Hey there. There is no where for you to register your religion or lack there of. You are what you are, because you think or feel that you are when it comes to religion.

    Accepting humanism is really very easy particularly with an atheistic world view. Maybe you need some time to accept yourself. I don't know.

  3. well its possible that u can accept the other religions and all but changing your religion is a whole other thing. religion is based on beliefs . and unless you are willing to change from your beliefs to the beliefs of the religion that you are wanting to become a part of i don't think it really can be done

  4. Ravi Zacharias is from India and was raised in the Hindu culture.  He has changed his beliefs radically.  Check out some of his Youtube videos.  He speaks at several American universities.  

  5. There's no "steps" to take. You simply relinquish it in your heart

  6. My dear friend, Hinduism is not a religion. It is only a way of living, which you are already practising.

    No one can claim to be the founder of Hinduism. It is not restricted  to worship only one God. In fact it respects whole nature including all living and non living objects or creatures.

  7. Most religions are merely a state of mind; you accept them or deny them just by coming to a conclusion as you already have. There are some religions, such as Mormonism, that require you to register and have identification numbers. But in general it's just what you believe.

  8. If you're an atheist you have no religion to change , you can only convert  

  9. You already have. You're an atheist now, because you said so.

  10. It's actually very easy to become an atheist.  

    We have no formal applications or initiations.

    You just stop practicing religion.

  11. You just did it.

    There is not central register who requires forms be countersigned and witnessed by a JP and sent in with money attached.

    All you need to do is adopt what ever it is you want to do and thats it.  

    If there are some aspects of a religion that you fell will help your life, use them.  Make your life better.  

    For me atheist is a sad belief as its says life is only about now.  

    There is no future. Yet if now is all you seek I guess your on the right path.   Enjoy today as there is no tomorrow.

  12. I recommend Christianity. If you are interested, please E mail me.

  13. if your religion is in your name in india, then you would need to find out how to change your name legally there if it's important to you to show in your name what you believe.  otherwise, it's just as others have stated, you don't have to do anything but not believe in any gods to be an atheist.

  14. If you lack belief in gods, you are an atheist.

    You don't have to sign up with anyone or donate or pledge...

    There mere fact of your non-belief is enough.

  15. If you are athiest than what does it matter? nothing religious defines you anymore therefore what is your concern about your birth title?

  16. see this website

  17. Well you have already converted to atheism. Now you need to change the surname - you should contact local officials in order to do that.

  18. There is nothing you have to do.

    Just carry on living your life, but minus all the religious stuff. Try to read up & learn more about Humanism.

  19. If you say you are atheist then you are there is no steps

  20. Ask Jesus to come into your heart........

  21. You don't need to take any steps, other than to know that humanism and atheism are correct and right.  There is no formal ceremony, although maybe having one would make more closet atheists feel welcome into a new community.

  22. first of all hinduism is not a religion, its bunch of superstition beliefs. they worship from cow, dog, cat, frog, donkey, snake, stone, stick, shoe, money, monkey.... oh my the list is too big to enter here.

    its better to be atheist than be a superstition

  23. You don't have to register.  You've already made your decision.

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